So it’s been a while…..

……..since I remembered I actually had a blog. About three years in fact.  What has happened in the meantime? Not a great deal on the surface but 2017 is going to be a big year in terms of personal achievement so what better way of documenting it.

My ultimate goal remains the same – to become a recognised photographer.  There, I’ve said it out loud.  No idea how I am going to achieve this but it seems like a reasonable goal to have.

So I thought I would start by using my 365 project (year 2, for those who are interested), to give me a helping hand.  I plan on using the blog to explain how I created some of the shots, as I it always amazes me that photos can look amazing, yet are created with some dodgy home made set up, usually in the kitchen right before I do the school run.

Actually off to do the school run now so I will have to get back to you with my first “real” post…….



Project 365 – Day 204 Money Money Money

What a load of old coins! 

A very rewarding day today.  First a hopefully worthwhile chat with someone to help one of my best friends, then in the afternoon i ventured back into school as a parent helper.  A whole new class of 4/5 year olds to meet.  Painting was the order of the day today – I must remember to take my apron next week!  There was a lovely moment when one of the children who generally doesn’t say a word in the classroom actually managed to tell me their name, and also which animal they were going to paint.  For me that’s the kind of thing that makes it all worthwhile – worth swapping an office job for any day of the week.  I still couldn’t be a teacher though.  

Extra SP’s after school today too, much laughter as usual.  Our SP is sooo tired in the evenings. there are so many after school activities that she is trying that she is pretty much wiped out by bedtime – a nice peaceful evening for the grown ups though!


Project 365 – Day 203 Another spider

loads of these things around the house – I might test the theory that they don’t like conkers, given that we have so many of the little brown things in our collection.

I’m aware that I haven’t been writing much on my blog lately – by the time I have uploaded my pics to the laptop, then onto the dedicated 365 site, then onto Tumblr if it’s to do with college, I just can’t be bothered to come on here and write somemore.  I am still busy taking photos though…..



Project 365 – Day 201 Shopping

A day off today.  I spent the day in Birmingham with a good friend.  We had a lovely time, shopping, wine, lunch, champagne, all topped off with a chinese takeaway and wine in front of Strictly!

I took this on my phone as obviously didn’t take my camera shopping!!

My feet ached by bedtime!


Project 365 – Day 200 Peas

Wow!!! 200 days, 200 photos.  Another milestone in my 365 project.

Lovely day today, soup making this morning, which was then enjoyed with a lovely friend at lunchtime, along with aImage visit from my favourite little fish feeder.  Always brings a smile to my face.

A spot of invoicing this afternoon (or rather catching up on invoices) and then chance to catch my breath while the SP and one of  her BFFs played nicely after school.

Rumour has it there’s a take-away on the cards for  the grown ups dinner this evening.  Hubby has again been working super hard all week – very proud of him. One man, taking on the used car market single-handedly!




Project 365 – Day 198 Kit

My photo kit (some of it), in a bag.  That is all.  Wednesday night is college night.  Really enjoyed it tonight – we were in the dark room developing a roll of film we shot the week before.  I have never done that before so it was really interesting.  I even managed to get a couple of images from the film, which I didn’t think I had done as I found the manual film camera challenging to say the least.
