Project 365 – Day 8 Checkmate!

 “Life is like a game of chess, changing with each move.”  –  Chinese proverb

Combine a day in the fresh air, a class of 30 5/6 year olds, a few rockets and some kites and you have the makings of a very exhausting day!  Fun though, although it didn’t leave me much time to get creative with the camera.  

I think the rest of the week will pretty much be the same, timewise, so I am sticking with the games theme, which is proving to be good fun.

I haven’t played chess for years, but came across this wooden chess set in my small persons playroom.  Perfect for a spot of black & white photography I thought and here is the result.

Need to raid the loft I think for some more traditional games – I’m sure Cluedo is in there somewhere, as well as Monopoly, which could prove useful later in the week.

Your move!Image